So I know it has been FOREVER since I last blogged, but I have decided to go at it again! I have kinda missed it! A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. Let's see, I moved into a new house with my lovely roommates Kassey and Charles. We are having the best time together! My family opened a clothing boutique in Tunica called Twelve Fifty-One Apparel!/pages/Tunica-MS/Twelve-Fifty-One-Apparel/142289909134041 , which I work at every Wednesday! I had a wreck with an 18 wheeler! No fun at all, but luckily I was not hurt too badly. Can't say the same about ole "Baby Got Back" though! Which leads to me getting my new car that I am absolutely LOVING!
Not much going on this week, but this weekend is going to be EPIC! Not only is it Halloween, but it is also a very big football weekend for Ole Miss! We are playing Auburn which will be very interesting! And, pretty much every graduate of Ole Miss last year is coming back for the weekend!! yay!!! We will be going to the Library on Friday night for a costume party/contest, where me and about 10 other people will be dressed up like the Harlem Globe Trotters! Then we will go to the game on Saturday, possibly out afterwards, then a Halloween party on Sunday at our friends Bentley and Adam's house! Very excited!!!
Hope everyone has a fabulous week! Until next time....